Ile Dodo


English Grammar (Header) + French Grammar (Before Header) + Creole Grammar (Footer)
  • ACTION VERBS: Breathe, Drink, Eat, Walk, Rest, Sleep
  • NON ACTION VERBS: Seem; Appear, Sound, Like
  • HELPER VERBS: Have, Do, Be
  • MODAL VERBS: Shall, Will, May, Can
  1. REASON: because-since-so that    — MANNER: as, as if, as though, just as, like   — TIME: when, whenever, before, after                                             
  2. PLACE– where, wherever, everywhere, as far as   >   1.1 CONCESSION: although, as though, even though, despite  
  3. COMPARISON: though, than, rather than, whether, whereas, where as, as much as         
  4. CONDITION: if, unless, although, lest, supposing, as long as, so that, in order that, in order to, on condition that, even if, even though, now that, if only, if then, if when, provided, provided that, providing that
  5. CO-RELATE: neither…nor,  either… or, whether..or, rather…than, not.. but rather, no sooner…than, both…and, as much…as,  not only… but (also)
  6. ADVERB CONJUNCTIVE: however, therefore, nevertheless, then, besides, after all, finally, consequently
  7. OTHERS: in case, now since, now when, or not
  1. DEMONSTRATIVE: This- These- That- Those    —- INTEROGATIVE: What -Which- Whose                                   
  2. POSSESSIVE: My – Your- His (Her) – Our – Their, Its
  3. NUMBERS: 1, 2, 3, 4 ( One, Two, Three, Four) —-NON-NUMBER QUANTITY: More, Less, Many, Few, Much, Little, Most, Some         
  4. CONDITION: if, unless, although, lest, supposing, as long as, so that, in order that, in order to, on condition that, even if, even though, now that, if only, if then, if when, provided, provided that, providing that
  5. CO-RELATE: neither…nor,  either… or, whether..or, rather…than, not.. but rather, no sooner…than, both…and, as much…as,  not only… but (also)
  1. TIME (when or what time the action is done): now, tonight, today, later, yesterday, tomorrow, early, earlier, soon, everyday, last year, last week
  2. PLACE (where the action happens): here,there,up,down,north,nearby,far away,above,below,behind,everywhere,somewhere,forward,downwards  
  3. MANNER (how an action is done): Positice Manner-Certainly,Properly,Seriously,Correctly,Bravely, Gently, Sincerely, Kindly, Gently, Quickly, Nicely —Negative Manner– Badly, Poorly, Lazily, Loundly, Slowly, Dangerously, Falsely –                      
  4. FREQUENCY (how often an action is done): Always, Rarely, Often, Never, Usually, Sometimes, Seldom, Regularly
  5. DEGREE (help express the intensity of something in  sentence): Almost, Completely, Absolutely, Barely, Entirely, Exremely, Quite, Fully, Just, Very
  6. CONJUNCTIVE (provides a link to the previous sentence): However, Therefore, Consequently, Subsequently

[ A: Above, Across, Around, Along, Among, Amid, Against, Aboard, About, After, As, At, Anti] –[B: Below, Beneath, Behind, Besides, Between, Beyond, By, But] –[C: Concerning, Copnsidering] –[D: Down, Downwards, During, Despite] –[ Except, Excepting, Excluding] — [F: For, From, Forward, Following] -[ I: In, Into, Inside] -[L: like] -[ N: Near, Nearby] — [ O: Of, Off, On, Onto, Over, Outside, Opposite] — [ P: Past, Per, Plus] — [ R: Round, Regarding] — [S: Save, Since] – [T: To, Toward, Towards, Through, Than] – [ U: Under, Underneath, Unlike, Until, Up, Upon] – [V: Via, Versus] – [ W: With, Within, Without ]

  1. PERSONAL: [Subject: I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They] -[ Object: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them] – [Possessive: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Ours, Yours, Theirs] -[ Reflexive: Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Yourself, Themselves ] 
  2. RELATIVE: Which, That, Who, Whose, Whom
  3. INTEROGATIVE: Which, What, Who, Whose, Whom
  4. INDEFINITE [ANES]: [….one: Anyone, No-one, Everyone, Someone ] – [ ….thing: Anything, Nothing, Everything, Something] – [ ….body: Anybody, Nobody, Everybody, Somebody]
  5. DEMONSTRATIVE: This, That, These, Those
  • DR M-I-C-R-O-S-C-O-P-E-S ( memory word)
  • DEMONSTRATIVE: This, That, These, Those  (Note: They are also a type of Determiners )  — RELATIVE: What, Which
  • MATERIAL: Wooden, Steel — INTEROGATIVE: What, Which, Whose  — INDEFINITE: Many, Some, Few — COLOUR & PATTERN: Blue, Dotted 
  • COMPOUND: (a pair of adjective & noun as one word): e.g. Book cover, Passenger car 
  • RIGHT AGE: New, Old, Young, Ancient  — ORIGIN ( denotes source): Japanese( eg. Japanese car), Volcanic ( e.g. Volcanic rock)
  • SHAPE: Round, Flat — SIZE: Big, Small — STATE: Good, Bad, Raw, Ripe ( it denotes quality, condition & character)
  • COMPARISON: Smaller, Bigger, Lower, Higher (it indicates comparison & degree)
  • CO-ORDINATE & NON-COORDINATE: CO-ORDINATE– Long-term, Ice-cold ( they ate two or more adjectives that apply to the same noun – eg. Long-term loan) — NON-COORDINATE– (they modify the same noun but do not need to be seperated by a dash, as they are not equal; one adj takes precedence over the other non-coordinate adj). Eg. Anna drives a pink metal bicycle (here, we don’t need to use a dash between ‘blue’ and ‘metal’ and cannot change their place because we would not say as ”a metal pink car” or ” a ink and metal car’
  • OPINION: Limiter adj-  Real hero & Perfect student > Subjective measure adj- beautiful, interesting > Value adj- good, bad, costly
  • PROPER: Eg. Indian & British ( a person from India is Indian- it is a proper adj).> we sometimes uses the term proper adj to mean adj that take initial capital letters & common adj to mean thise that do not.
  • EMPHASIS: Total, Absolute, Extreme, Pure, Real, Complete, True, Utter ( gives an emphasis on the noun) > eg. Pure gold, Extreme weather. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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History of English Grammar